Friday, June 2, 2017


You know that feeling that from one day to another all inspiration for taking pictures is gone, 
that feeling that there is an overload on 'lovely' things on the www, 
that feeling that you think who am I to throw more pictures on www. too....

Yes I'm dealing with those feelings. 

But actually, I'm doing fine, very fine.
 I read a book (Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi, it's very good)
I finished two shawls, I'm crocheting potholders (a lovely project to do in the sunny garde)
 and I'm working on
my quilt which has a summer feel to it too :-)

I will continue my main blog and I'm searching for another challenge/inspiration for my pictures.  

Thank you for following my 365 days challenge. 


Iceland, april 2017.